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How To Get Pee Out Of A Mattress

2023-03-16 10:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

In contrast to humans, a dog or a cat pee has a much more pungent smell due to its higher concentration and different chemical composition. Given that, removing pet pee from a mattress is an absolute necessity. Moreover, its importance increases in the light that many pets like dogs like to urinate in the same place to mark their territory.  

A dog’s urine is strikingly similar to humans, but a cat’s pee is a different ball game. It is because it has 95 percent water, some urea, and feline-specific amino acid, felinine. As a result, it does not smell initially but reeks badly after breaking down into sulfurous compounds.  

How to Get Fresh Pet Urine Out of a Mattress 

The process of how to get urine out of a mattress when dry or fresh for pets remains quite similar to human pee, but with a few tweaks. 

Baking Soda 

The best way to deal with fresh pet urine is to jump straight to the baking soda step instead of first blotting up urine with a towel, followed by a vinegar solution.  

Liberally apply baking soda all over the soiled surface and leave until you see the white hue of the soda darkening as it draws out and absorbs urine from the mattress. 

Remove the baking soda using a vacuum cleaner and repeat the process. Keep on repeating the process until the color of the baking soda does not change and remains white.    

After this, you can follow the usual route of using vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and liquid detergent to remove the resultant mattress stains. 

Follow-up With Non-Toxic Enzyme Cleaners  

As already stated, pet pee stains and odors are difficult to tackle. Hence, just using baking soda might not be enough. The best way to tackle the strong and pungent odor and stain is to use enzyme cleaners readily available in stores. The only precaution to exercise is to pick a non-toxic one that lacks any harmful chemicals.  

Follow the instructions that come with such cleaners and liberally spray or pour it all over the stain. Leave it to act for the stipulated time and then sop and clean it up. Then, again, you can follow it up with the baking soda process for thorough cleaning. 

If possible, leave the mattress in the sun for a few hours to dry completely and eliminate any lingering odors.  

The process would also help you get dry pee out of a mattress.  

Use Pet Repellents 

We know pets tend to pee in the same place. They can do so by smelling traces of their pee’s chemical footprint that is often invisible to us. It raises the risk of a pet-accident reoccurring. 

You can quickly minimize the risk by using a pet-friendly repellent, which is readily available. You can also make one at home by mixing two tablespoons of white vinegar and a few drops of citrus essential oil with about 1.5 cups of cold water.  






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